Friday, September 5, 2008

Accountability Agreement

Accountability Agreement

Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?

In ENG4UE, I want to accomplish the following:

I want to raise my knowledge of essay writing techniques, allowing me to create an essay with a higher quality.
I want to broaden my reading palette.
I want to ready myself for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I want to pass the class with at least an 85%.
I want to understand all aspects of this course.
I want to prepare myself for any courses in university after high school.

Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?

In ENG4UE, I want to be able to contribute to my class by:

I will help others when I can.
I will work equally on all group assignments.
I will be reliable; I will help others and keep promises.
I will tell others what they missed in class if they are absent.

Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?

I will be held responsible for:

I will regularly attend class.
I will regularly contribute to class discussions.
I will hand in all assignments on time.
I will come prepared to class daily.
I will give my full effort on all work.
I will give my all to preparing myself for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will be held responsible for completing all assignments with a full understanding.

Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?

I will require the aid and support of the following people for the following:

I will ask for help on homework and assignments from my mother, Louise and my father, Kevin when needed.
I will ask for help with corrections of spelling and grammar and I will ask questions from my group members (at that time) and Mr. P Murray.
I will ask for help or guidance mainly on the topic of essays and secondly on other literary concerns from Mrs. Carr.
I will require proper resources from my school Rockland District High School.
I will need access to literature appropriate for studying for the Advanced Placement Exam.

Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?

I will know what success looks like by:

I will pass the class with an 85% or more.
I will have improved my knowledge on essay writing and effectively used it to my advantage.
I will have understood the concepts of all units in this course.
I will leave ready for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will leave this course prepared for a first year university literary course.

Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?

Should I succeed I will:

I will pass the class with a desired mark.
I will pass the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will fully understand the concepts of the units in this course.

Should I not succeed I will:

I will not pass the class with a desired mark.
I will not have improved my knowledge and understanding of essays.
I will not be prepared for the Advanced Placement course.
I will not fully understand every unit in this course.

Should your name be listed above and you have signed below; you have agreed to give aid on the topics and requirements listed:

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