Tuesday, September 30, 2008

English Project

WTF? I cant add .doc files... :( this is lame!

Week 4

We worked on our projects... again... had one spare etc etc.. the usual.
Except we all suddenly realized that we had nothing done on our projects! CRAP .. lots of work,, and its done!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week 3

We worked on our projects, however we haven't been in the library for a while. We presented scholarships. Kind of useless right now, I'm not interested in applying for scholarships until my grade 12 year. I was away on Tuesday (16), helping with grade 9 day. I haven't read a lot of my books, however i find another book I'm reading more interesting. I wonder if it will serve sufficient for my ISU...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 2

We started working on our criticism projects. Seems like there's not enough to fill 70 minutes. I picked up both my ISU books and have started to read them. We talked briefly on scholarships.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Accountability Agreement

Accountability Agreement

Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?

In ENG4UE, I want to accomplish the following:

I want to raise my knowledge of essay writing techniques, allowing me to create an essay with a higher quality.
I want to broaden my reading palette.
I want to ready myself for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I want to pass the class with at least an 85%.
I want to understand all aspects of this course.
I want to prepare myself for any courses in university after high school.

Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?

In ENG4UE, I want to be able to contribute to my class by:

I will help others when I can.
I will work equally on all group assignments.
I will be reliable; I will help others and keep promises.
I will tell others what they missed in class if they are absent.

Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?

I will be held responsible for:

I will regularly attend class.
I will regularly contribute to class discussions.
I will hand in all assignments on time.
I will come prepared to class daily.
I will give my full effort on all work.
I will give my all to preparing myself for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will be held responsible for completing all assignments with a full understanding.

Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?

I will require the aid and support of the following people for the following:

I will ask for help on homework and assignments from my mother, Louise and my father, Kevin when needed.
I will ask for help with corrections of spelling and grammar and I will ask questions from my group members (at that time) and Mr. P Murray.
I will ask for help or guidance mainly on the topic of essays and secondly on other literary concerns from Mrs. Carr.
I will require proper resources from my school Rockland District High School.
I will need access to literature appropriate for studying for the Advanced Placement Exam.

Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?

I will know what success looks like by:

I will pass the class with an 85% or more.
I will have improved my knowledge on essay writing and effectively used it to my advantage.
I will have understood the concepts of all units in this course.
I will leave ready for the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will leave this course prepared for a first year university literary course.

Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?

Should I succeed I will:

I will pass the class with a desired mark.
I will pass the Advanced Placement Exam.
I will fully understand the concepts of the units in this course.

Should I not succeed I will:

I will not pass the class with a desired mark.
I will not have improved my knowledge and understanding of essays.
I will not be prepared for the Advanced Placement course.
I will not fully understand every unit in this course.

Should your name be listed above and you have signed below; you have agreed to give aid on the topics and requirements listed:

Week 1

We didn't a lot. We were told about our units and ISU. We chose groups and topics… as well as our ISU books.

Blog Change

Edublogs asked me again for a second time to reset my passsword, therefore I changed to Blogspot :D