Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 11

Presentations,lectures on Shakespeare, and Pep Rally (which I missed). An overall basic week.

All Presented Rhetorical Devices

Anaphora - repetition of a same sound or group of words near the beginning of successive sentences, clauses, or lines

Antirrhesis – an argument is rejected because it is evil, incorrect, or simply insignificant.

Assonance - The use of similar vowel sounds repeated in successive or proximate words containing different consonants. Day, Ray, Rave, Dave etc.

Bdelygmia - Is a ramble on, or expression of hate towards a person or thing. Winter is dark, cold,grey, depressing and it sucks.

Catachresis - outlandish comparison is made between two things. As tall as the CN tower.

Categoria – Opening the secret wickedness of one's adversary before his face. Reproaching a person with wickedness to his face.Direct exposure of an adversary's faults.

Commoratio – Repeating an idea several times in a different way.

Encomium - a formal practice of writing or speaking words in a tribute or praise, or an elaborate eulogy of someone or something. Ex. At an award ceremony, where the winner would give their co-stars long encomiums, as a way to say that they couldn’t have done it all without them and they deserve some of the credit. (acceptance speech)

Energia - A general term referring to the “energy” or vigor of an expression, or a clear, lucid, vivid description. (lots of detail)

Enthymeme - An enthymeme is an argument in which the meaning is implied.

Epiphora - When one or more words are repeated at the end of two or more consecutive clauses, phrases, or verses.

Epiplexis -Asking questions to reproach, rather than to elicit answers. If you can do x, can I?

Epizeuxis - repetition of the same word over and over again. Ex. Really, really, really want...

Euphemism -the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt

Hypocrisis – parody. An exaggeration used to mock.

Invective – an abusive, reproachful or venomous language used to express blame or censure. Ex. A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats etc.

Irony - an incongruity or discordance between what one says or does, and what one means or what is generally understood

Kairos – presenting an argument at the right or opportune moment.

Litotes - A figure of speech. Instead of making a certain statement directly the speaker says it more effectively. Usually using the words not. Ex. Brittany Spears is not unintelligent, but she’s not intelligent

Meiosis - an understatement of an event or person

Metonymy - a figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated.

Mondegreen – misuse of words, causing the phrase to take on new meaning.

Paradox – A statement that contradicts it’s self. Ex. I always lie.

Pathos – persuasion. an element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion

Pleonasm - Pleonasm is the use of more words then is needed for the explanation of an idea. (cold ice)

Polyptoton – using different forms of the same word (ie face facing)

Prolepsis - anticipation of an argument. It is where an argument is answered before it is brought forth.

Rhetorical Question – a question posed for persuasion, without the intent for reply.

Synathroesmus - A list/grouping of adjectives or phrases about a particular noun. Low life, two faced, yellow bellied, insensitive idiot.

Synecdoche - A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (as hand for sailor), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket), or the material for the thing made from it (as steel for sword).

Tapinosis - when words or sayings are being thrown at a person/concept/object, to make it seem less good and make it less credible.

Trope - rhetoric devices that use a play on words:

Week 10

Rhetorical Device Presentations... nothing else.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This Post is for Physics!

This is the video journal completed for my SPH3U mousetrap car project, Brandon Ferguson is my partner for this project. The audio may be of poor quality. This is what happens with a webcam on a laptop. Also we apologize for the background noise at the end. Certain people decided to start talking in the Cafeteria at 5pm. :O

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Standardizing Arguments

Taxpayers face big hike.

2. It is reality, the economy is down.
3. It could be worse than before.
4. It is hard to find cuts, because the province dictates certain needs.
5. Art, Culture and Heritage will have less funding.
6. Expect cuts in the budget.
7. Savings may be used, however there is debate.


1. Taxpayers may be paying much more. (Puddicombe)

Transport flies off bridge in Toronto

2. A transport trailer detached itself from a truck.
3. It fell off the 427 overpass onto east bound lanes of the Queens Way.
4. Five vehicles were involved. Fours were trapped under the trailer.
5. Four were injured and two were airlifted to hospital.
6. A 53 year old man died of injuries later on in hospital.
7. No more are trapped under the wreckage.
8. The driver of the truck had minor injuries.
9. Emergency crews immediately responded.

1. One man dies after injuries sustained when a trailer fell off a 427-Highway overpass onto the road below. (Cherry)

_____Cherry . Tamara. "Transport flies off bridge in Toronto," Ottawa Sun 05 Nov 2008. 5 Nov 2008
_____Puddicombe. Derek. "Transport flies off bridge in Toronto," Ottawa Sun 04 Nov 2008. 4 Nov 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

a little regret...

I feel some regret for posting a previous post labelled "..."... when I wrote it I was really frustrated and angry. I based it solely from rumours, overheard conversations and a feeling of anger. I'd just like to apologize.